Design, uninterrupted #181

April 27th, 2011

Today’s post highlights the design of I like the simple and unassuming color choice of this single page site and the nice way that the main section text seems to flow around the portfolio highlights. The barely noticeable vertical background gradient with faint traces of yellow adds a nice touch of color to the main section, followed by the switch to white-on-black footer that aligns to the same three column grid.

The typography seems to strike an awkward balance between the embedded Gill Sans used in the header, the increasingly bland Arial for the body and image-based title and footer ampersand. The last two seem a particularly brittle contraption given the ever increasing capabilities of web typography and CSS selectors. On a more positive note, don’t miss the “Show full portfolio” element below the right bottom corner of that section to see a nice expanding effect. Showing a circular download progress indicator framed in the matching outline is a nice touch to address the portfolio entry switches; cross fading to the loaded image is the perfect complement in this transition.