Design, uninterrupted #128

January 20th, 2011

Today’s post highlights the design of Cornerstone product page from Zennaware. Teetering on the edge of information overload, this single-page design features beautiful visuals and striking monochromatic color scheme. It starts with an oversized header that attempts to create a three-dimensional scene with a perspective transformation applied to the tile texture below the floating icon. The next section is a tabbed view of major product features, with a sliding transition between different tabs and lightbox popup screenshots. After that, the design transitions to a strict monochromatic color scheme with beautifully styled section headers featuring silver icons framed with soft drop shadows. The last section is overly long and feels a little bit overwhelming – considering that the developers wanted to impress the potential buyers with the product capabilities, it may be achieving an opposite effect. My favorite design element is the typography and layout of the testimonial on one of the section headers – a great mix of different font styles and sizes.