Flamingo 4.2 official release
I am excited today to announce the availability of the final release for version 4.2 of Flamingo component suite (code-named Hiolair). It is a stabilization release that adds a few minor features and fixes all known bugs.
Here is the list of minor features added in release 4.2:
- Support for placing small command buttons in ribbon galleries
- Option to specify the callback for populating the default content of ribbon application menu
- Command buttons support no icon / no text mode
- Emitting full bounding box coordinates in SVG transcoder
- Support for changing the expand listener of ribbon bands
- Better tracing of inconsistent ribbon resize policies
If you want to test the ribbon in your applications, you would need the following (the last two only for applications running under Substance look-and-feel):
- The final 4.2 drop of Flamingo (code-named Hiolair)
- The latest 6.0dev drop of Substance (code-named Sonoma)
- The latest 6.0dev drop of Substance Flamingo plugin
You are more than welcome to take Flamingo 4.2 for a ride and report any problems in the project mailing lists, forums or issue tracker. To see Flamingo ribbon in action, run the following WebStart demo:
The demo above works for the core look-and-feels. To see the ribbon under Substance, run the following WebStart demo:
Here are a few screenshots showing the new features in 4.2: