Using FEST Swing to test Flamingo components
This has been on my to-do list for quite a long time, and over the last couple of months i have finally started to add unit tests to the Flamingo component suite. Before long, i have found myself stuck deep in a quagmire of nested runnables, complex interactions with the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) and code that is hard to read, extend and maintain. And even then the tests behaved unpredictably, with some failing randomly – indicating incorrect interactions with the EDT.
At that moment i have realized that the true potential of open source is collaboration and reuse of existing libraries – unless you’re feeling that you can do better, of course :) The final tipping point came in July when Alex has published a blog entry on how FEST Swing library can facilitate writing clean and maintainable interactions with UI components – and this was it. Since then i have been adding FEST-driven unit tests to test different aspects of Flamingo components, including model manipulation, layout, and interaction with mouse and keyboard. Here, i’m going to show a small subset of these tests – illustrating the relevant parts of FEST Swing.
Before starting to delve into the project documentation, start with the blog entry on writing EDT-safe UI tests. It’s short, it’s clean and it’s quite illuminating. Then, head over to the main project page, read a little bit about the library and download the latest distribution (i’m using the latest 1.2a3 version). Once you’re done, add the following jars to your classpath:
- fest-assert-1.1.jar
- fest-reflect-1.1.jar
- fest-swing-1.2a3.jar
- fest-swing-junit-1.2a3.jar
- fest-util-1.1.jar
- junit-4.3.1.jar
Now let’s take a look at how a unit test class looks like. It starts by extending the base FEST class:
public class ActionCommandButtonTestCase extends FestSwingJUnitTestCase {
The biggest advantage of using this base class is that it automatically installs a custom repaint manager that tracks EDT violations – keeping both your unit tests and your main code clean from them. Next, it’s time to create the main window and a command button for the testing:
JFrame buttonFrame;
int count;
JCommandButton button;
public void onSetUp() {
URL resource = ActionCommandButtonTestCase.class.getClassLoader()
final ResizableIcon icon = SvgBatikResizableIcon.getSvgIcon(resource,
new Dimension(32, 32));
Pause.pause(new Condition("Waiting to load the SVG icon") {
public boolean test() {
return !((AsynchronousLoading) icon).isLoading();
GuiActionRunner.execute(new GuiTask() {
protected void executeInEDT() throws Throwable {
buttonFrame = new JFrame();
buttonFrame.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
button = new JCommandButton("test", icon);
buttonFrame.setSize(300, 200);
count = 0;
button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
GuiActionRunner.execute(new GuiTask() {
protected void executeInEDT() throws Throwable {
Point locOnScreen = buttonFrame.getLocationOnScreen();
locOnScreen.move(10, 20);
While the documentation describes two ways of locating components for testing – fixtures and finders – i found it simpler to just store references to the relevant components, especially for test windows that have a very small number of controls.
The onSetUp
method has the following main stages:
- Create an SVG-based icon and wait for it to load. Here,
is used to wait for the specificCondition
– the name of thetest()
method is quite unfortunate, and IMO should be renamed to better reflect its purpose. - Then,
is called to create the main window and the command button. This is by far my favorite method in FEST Swing – it runs the specified code on EDT and waits for it to finish. And while closures could have made the code even more readable, even in its present form it has enormous potential to simplify UI-related tests. - Finally, the same method is used to move the mouse away from the button – for subsequent tests of mouse interaction.
Once we have the setup method in place, time for the a very simple unit test:
public void sanityCheck() {
String buttonText = GuiActionRunner.execute(new GuiQuery<String>() {
protected String executeInEDT() throws Throwable {
return button.getText();
Here, my second best-favorite feature – GuiActionRunner.execute(GuiQuery)
– is used. It provides an EDT-safe way to query the current state of the specific UI component.
At this point it is important to note that UI testing can only be done to a certain degree. While the test above checks that the getText()
returns the right value, it does not check that the visual representation of the button on the screen actually display this text (or any text for that matter). Testing the correctness of the painting routines is not simple. Even a straightforward approach of using an offline collection of “expected” screenshots will not work under look-and-feels that use the font settings of the current desktop – which varies not only across operating systems, but also across different DPI settings. As such, at the present moment my tests are focusing on checking the model, layouts and mouse / keyboard interactions.
Here are three tests to check that the associated action listener is invoked when the command button is activated with mouse, keyboard or API:
public void activateButtonWithMouse() {
public void activateButtonWithSpace() {
public void activateButtonWithAPI() {
GuiActionRunner.execute(new GuiTask() {
protected void executeInEDT() throws Throwable {
Here i’m using different APIs of the Robot
class to simulate the user interaction with keyboard and mouse, as well as EDT-safe invocation of the AbstractCommandButton.doActionClick()
Having these building blocks in place allows you to create more complex scenarios, testing various flows through your model classes. Here is a test case that checks that pressing the mouse, moving it away from the button and then releasing it does not activate the registered action listener:
public void pressButtonAndMoveAwayBeforeRelease() {
robot().pressMouse(button, AWT.centerOf(button));
robot().moveMouse(button, new Point(-10, 10));
// no action listener should have been invoked
Finally, a more complex scenario tests the API that activates the registered action listener on mouse press – as opposed to mouse release:
public void fireActionOnPress() {
GuiActionRunner.execute(new GuiTask() {
protected void executeInEDT() throws Throwable {
Assertions.assertThat(GuiActionRunner.execute(new GuiQuery() {
protected Boolean executeInEDT() throws Throwable {
return button.getActionModel().isFireActionOnPress();
// press mouse over the button
robot().pressMouse(button, AWT.centerOf(button));
// no action listener should have been invoked
// release mouse
// action listener should have been invoked
// mark the button to fire the action listeners on mouse press
GuiActionRunner.execute(new GuiTask() {
protected void executeInEDT() throws Throwable {
Assertions.assertThat(GuiActionRunner.execute(new GuiQuery() {
protected Boolean executeInEDT() throws Throwable {
return button.getActionModel().isFireActionOnPress();
// press mouse over the button
robot().pressMouse(button, AWT.centerOf(button));
// action listener should have been invoked
// release mouse
// no action listener should have been invoked
This entry showed a very small subset of what FEST Swing can do. I am still exploring this library as i continue adding more test cases to cover the command buttons – towards unit tests that will cover the ribbon component.