Animation blueprints for SWT – complex transition scenarios
After adding such animation effects as fading, load progress, asynchronous load of images and smooth scrolling in the application window connected to the Amazon backend, it’s time to talk about more complex transition scenarios. In this entry i’m going to talk about displaying larger album art and scrollable track listing when the specific album is selected, along with a complex transition between selected albums. This code is part of the Granite project which aims to provide blueprints for animated SWT applications powered by the Trident animation library.
Here is a screenshot that illustrates the detailed view of the selected album (and you can view the videos in the first part of this series):
The full sources of this view are in the SVN repository, and i’m going to talk about the full transition scenario that is played when the user selects a specific album. This scenario has six steps:
- (Relevant when the details window already shows album art) – collapse the album art component and track listing component to fully overlap.
- (In parallel with step 1) – load the new album art from the Internet (based on the URL returned from the original Amazon E-commerce request).
- (After steps 1 and 2 have both completed) – set the loaded album art on the album art component. This may also cause resizing the album art if it cannot fully fit in the available space.
- (In parallel with step 3) – set the list of album tracks on the track listing component.
- (After steps 3 and 4 have both completed) – cross fade the old album art to the new album art.
- (After step 5 has been completed) – move the album art component (that displays the new album art) and the track listing to be displayed side by side.
To implement this complex timeline scenario, the code uses the rendezvous timeline scenario provided by Trident. Timeline.RendezvousSequence
allows simple branch-and-wait ordering. The rendezvous scenario has a stage-like approach. All actors belonging to the same stage run in parallel, while actors in stage N+1 wait for all actors in stage N to be finished. The RendezvousSequence.rendezvous
marks the end of one stage and the beginning of another.
Here is how the code looks like:
* Returns the timeline scenario that implements a transition from the
* currently shown album item (which may be null
) to the
* specified album item.
* @param albumItem
* The new album item to be shown in this window.
* @return The timeline scenario that implements a transition from the
* currently shown album item (which may be null
) to
* the specified album item.
private TimelineScenario getShowAlbumDetailsScenario(final Item albumItem) {
TimelineScenario.RendezvousSequence scenario = new TimelineScenario.RendezvousSequence();
// step 1 - move album art and track listing to the same location
Timeline collapseArtAndTracks = new Timeline(this);
this.overlayPosition, 0.0f);
collapseArtAndTracks.addCallback(new UIThreadTimelineCallbackAdapter() {
int startingRegionWidth;
public void onTimelineStateChanged(TimelineState oldState,
TimelineState newState, float durationFraction,
float timelinePosition) {
if (newState == TimelineState.READY) {
startingRegionWidth = (int) (BigAlbumArt.TOTAL_DIM * (1 + overlayPosition));
public void onTimelinePulse(float durationFraction,
float timelinePosition) {
private void updateShellRegion(float timelinePosition) {
int regionWidth = (int) (startingRegionWidth + timelinePosition
* (BigAlbumArt.TOTAL_DIM - startingRegionWidth));
Region newRegion = new Region();
newRegion.add(BigAlbumArt.TOTAL_DIM - regionWidth / 2, 0,
regionWidth, BigAlbumArt.TOTAL_DIM);
Shell shell = getShell();
if (!shell.isDisposed())
collapseArtAndTracks.setDuration((int) (500 * this.overlayPosition));
// step 2 (in parallel) - load the new album art
final Image[] albumArtHolder = new Image[1];
EclipseJobTimelineScenarioActor loadNewAlbumArt = new EclipseJobTimelineScenarioActor(
"Load album art") {
protected org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus run(
org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor arg0) {
try {
URL url = new URL(albumItem.getLargeImage().getURL());
albumArtHolder[0] = new Image(Display.getDefault(), url
return Status.OK_STATUS;
} catch (Throwable t) {
return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
// step 3 (wait for steps 1 and 2) - replace album art
TimelineRunnable replaceAlbumArt = new TimelineRunnable() {
public void run() {
// step 4 (in parallel) - replace the track listing
TimelineRunnable replaceTrackListing = new TimelineRunnable() {
public void run() {
// step 5 (wait for steps 3 and 4) - cross fade album art from old to
// new
Timeline albumArtCrossfadeTimeline = new Timeline(this.albumArt);
255, 0);
.addPropertyToInterpolate("imageAlpha", 0, 255);
albumArtCrossfadeTimeline.addCallback(new SWTRepaintCallback(
// step 6 (wait for step 5) - move new album art and track listing to
// be side by side.
Timeline separateArtAndTracks = new Timeline(this);
separateArtAndTracks.addPropertyToInterpolate("overlayPosition", 0.0f,
separateArtAndTracks.addCallback(new UIThreadTimelineCallbackAdapter() {
public void onTimelinePulse(float durationFraction,
float timelinePosition) {
public void onTimelineStateChanged(TimelineState oldState,
TimelineState newState, float durationFraction,
float timelinePosition) {
private void updateShellRegion(float timelinePosition) {
int regionWidth = (int) (BigAlbumArt.TOTAL_DIM * (1.0 + timelinePosition));
Region newRegion = new Region();
newRegion.add(BigAlbumArt.TOTAL_DIM - regionWidth / 2, 0,
regionWidth, BigAlbumArt.TOTAL_DIM);
Shell shell = getShell();
if (!shell.isDisposed())
return scenario;
This scenario uses the full capabilities offered by the Trident timeline scenarios which allow combining multiple timeline scenario actors in a parallel, sequential or custom order. This code uses the following types of timeline scenario actors:
- Timelines
– extension of Runnable- Custom wrapper that exposes Eclipse Jobs as scenario actors
The only special case not covered by the core Trident APIs is seen in steps 1 and 6. Since SWT does not yet support per-pixel translucency on the shell level (see bug 285026), these steps use Shell.setRegion() API to emulate expanding / collapsing panels. This can also be achieved by changing the size and location of the relevant shell, but i have found changing the region to perform better on my machine. Trident core library does not provide a built-in interpolator for the Region class, and this is why steps 1 and 6 register a custom callback on the relevant timelines.
The rest of the code is pretty straightforward. It defines the components for album art and track listing, as well as the float position of the overlay between them (during the collapse / expand steps):
* Component that shows the album art.
private BigAlbumArt albumArt;
* Component that shows the scrollable list of album tracks.
private TrackListing trackListing;
* 0.0f - the album art and track listing are completely overlayed, 1.0f -
* the album art and track listing are completely separate. Is updated in
* the {@link #currentShowAlbumDetailsScenario}.
private float overlayPosition;
When these components are added, we make sure that the album art is displayed on top of the track listing (during the collapse stage). In addition, we install a custom layout manager that respects the current value of the overlayPosition field:
this.setLayout(new Layout() {
protected void layout(Composite composite, boolean flushCache) {
int w = composite.getBounds().width;
int h = composite.getBounds().height;
// respect the current overlay position to implement the sliding
// effect in steps 1 and 6 of currentShowAlbumDetailsScenario
int dim = BigAlbumArt.TOTAL_DIM;
int dx = (int) (overlayPosition * dim / 2);
albumArt.setBounds((w - dim) / 2 - dx, (h - dim) / 2, dim, dim);
trackListing.setBounds((w - dim) / 2 + dx, (h - dim) / 2, dim,
protected Point computeSize(Composite composite, int wHint,
int hHint, boolean flushCache) {
return new Point(wHint, hHint);
The overlayPosition is changed in steps 1 and 6 of the main transition scenario, and the public setter requests the container to layout its contents:
* Sets the new overlay position of the album art and track listing. This
* method will also cause revalidation of the main window content pane.
* @param overlayPosition
* The new overlay position of the album art and track listing.
public void setOverlayPosition(float overlayPosition) {
this.overlayPosition = overlayPosition;
this.layout(new Control[] { albumArt, trackListing });
Finally, the scenario itself is created and played when the mouse listener installed on the album overview component detects a mouse click and calls the setAlbumItem API:
* Signals that details of the specified album item should be displayed in
* this window. Note that this window can already display another album item
* when this method is called.
* @param albumItem
* New album item to show in this window.
public void setAlbumItem(Item albumItem) {
if (this.currentShowAlbumDetailsScenario != null)
this.currentShowAlbumDetailsScenario = this
The rest of the code in this package is very similar to the code examples showed earlier, including custom painting that respects the alpha values, fading out on dispose, translucent window etc.
The final code sample shows how the album details panel is shown. Here, we use a separate Shell placed alongside the bottom edge of the main application window. This shell will have its region animated to emulate expanding / collapsing panels.
currentlyShownWindow = new Shell(mainWindow, SWT.NO_TRIM
currentlyShownWindow.setLayout(new FillLayout());
// place the details window centered along the bottom edge of the
// main application window
Point mainWindowLoc = mainWindow.getLocation();
Point mainWindowDim = mainWindow.getSize();
int x = mainWindowLoc.x + mainWindowDim.x / 2 - BigAlbumArt.TOTAL_DIM;
int y = mainWindowLoc.y + mainWindowDim.y - BigAlbumArt.TOTAL_DIM / 2;
currentlyShownWindow.setSize(2 * BigAlbumArt.TOTAL_DIM,
Region region = new Region();
region.add(BigAlbumArt.TOTAL_DIM / 2, 0, BigAlbumArt.TOTAL_DIM,
currentlyShownWindow.setLocation(x, y);
currentlyShownContentPanel = new DetailsContentPanel(
.layout(new Control[] { currentlyShownContentPanel });
Timeline showWindow = new Timeline(currentlyShownWindow);
showWindow.addPropertyToInterpolate("alpha", 0, 255);
What happens here?
- Create a new shell and position it in the required location.
- Set the region to clip the rightmost and leftmost quarters.
- Set its alpha to 0 (it will be gradually faded in).
- Set the album item, initiating the transition scenario described above.
- Create and play the timeline that fades in this window.