Release candidate for Flamingo 4.1
I am pleased today to announce the availability of release candidate for version 4.1 of Flamingo component suite (code-named Guenivere). It is a stabilization release that adds a few minor features and fixes all known bugs.
Here is the list of minor features added in release 4.1:
- Multi-row controls in ribbon bands
- Rich tooltips for ribbon band expand buttons
- Horizontal alignment for wrapped ribbon components
- Internal tracking of disabled state of popup / action areas on command buttons for selecting the correct displayed icon
- Tree breadcrumb adapter class is now abstract to enforce applications to provide the segment caption
To see the Flamingo ribbon component in action under core look-and-feels, run the following WebStart demo:
To see the Flamingo ribbon component in action under Substance look-and-feel, run the following WebStart demo:
If you want to test the ribbon in your applications, you would need the following (the last two only for applications running under Substance look-and-feel):
- The 4.1RC drop of Flamingo (code-named Guenivere)
- The 5.2RC drop of Substance (code-named Quebec)
- The 5.2RC drop of Substance Flamingo plugin
You are more than welcome to take Flamingo 4.1RC for a ride and report any problems in the project mailing lists, forums or issue tracker. The final release is scheduled for May 25. Only bugs will be fixed until that date.