Swing links of the week: November 2, 2008

November 3rd, 2008

Here are some Swing links that you might have missed during the last week:

  • Fabrizio Giudici writes about an embedded screencast recorder for Swing application written by Jeremy Wood. It has a custom repaint manager that tracks dirty rectangles, and global event handlers to track mouse and component events.
  • Jeremy Wood himself blogs about customizable toolbars that support drag-and-drop reordering of the items.
  • Matt Nathan has created the first draft of documentation on scalable icons. He starts off by surveying the three different design options that he considered, and then delves deeper into his ScalableIcon interface, showing how to implement and use it.
  • Mirko Stocker writes about Java UI testing with JRuby, comparing SWTBot and Marathon tools.
  • Ken Orr has a tip to use look-and-feel consistent fonts onthe JEditorPane component. A fortunate coincidence had Ken posting this just a few hours after this question has been asked on the Substance forums :)
  • Henry Lander has announced release 2 of the Java Print Dialog Framework.
  • Bernhard Huber writes about integrating Groovy SwingBuilder and the XHtmlRenderer (Flying Saucer) project.
  • The latest feature article on java.net by Joshua A. Davis and Thaddeus Keenan Simmons shows how to integrate OpenGL and Java2D.
  • Jean Francois Poilpret is getting ready to release version 1.0 of DesignGridLayout in a few days, and he has created a five-part series (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5) that follows the development takeover of the project.
  • Don DeCoteau was interviewed last week on this site, and he follows up with version 0.9.1 of Sage engine. Noteable additions include map viewer and coverflow viewer available in a standalone jar.
  • Alex Ruiz writes about respecting the EDT rules in the FEST-Swing library. It is great to see this topic getting the attention it deserves, because even veteran Swing developers still have serious misconceptions about EDT rules in particular, and multi-threading issues in general.
  • Christophe Le Besnerais shows how to use the JXLayer library to highlight search results in an Explorer clone demo. JXLayer is written by Alexander Potochkin and it is one of my favourite third-party Swing utilities.
  • Mikael Grev has started writing the media player, and has hit a serious performance issue with translucent windows in 6u10 under Windows. In the followup comments he hints at finding a solution, so perhaps not all is lost yet…
  • Finally, those living around the Bay Area are welcome to attend the free Silicon Valley Code Camp community event. It is going to take place on November 8-9 (this Saturday and Sunday), and among the 116 sessions you can find Alex Ruiz talking about UI testing, Andres Almiray talking about Java2D / Groovy and Groovy SwingBuilder.

All in all, this week has seen more Swing blogosphere activity than JavaFX has seen over the entire last month :)