Swing links of the week: October 19, 2008
October 20th, 2008
Here are some Swing links that you might have missed during the last week:
- Ken Kousen has posted the third part in his explorations of mixing Swing and Groovy, addressing the EDT aspects of his earlier post. Swing EDT rule is very simple – anything UI related must be done on the EDT thread unless explicitly stated in the API specification. Ken’s narrowing of the rule to apply to updates only is unfortunate and is the same as using synchronization on setters but not on getters. It might bite you less, but it will bite you nonetheless.
- Matt Nathan reports on cleaning his SwingX incubator space. His incubator contains components (clock, stopwatch, inspection panel), a number of effects, rollover support and scalable icons (similar in concept to Flamingo‘s resizable icons).
- Greg Brown has announced release 1.0 of the Pivot framework that aims to allow building high-quality, cross-platform applications that are deployable both via the web and to the desktop.
- Robert Bajzat has published beta 0.7 release of Thinlet Swing components. It has a number of widgets and utilities, such as balloon tooltips, balloon dialogs, form fields with validations and rich editors (including calendar and tree), simple charts and more.
- Geertjan Wielenga interviews the new lead of Spring RCP project. Lieven Doclo has taken over the development which has been stopped and started too many times before him, and time will tell how much energy will be left after the first few weeks.
- Unlike in the years before where JavaPolis Javoxx Devoxx has positioned itself as a conference with hand-picked selection of by-invite-only speakers, this year the organizers have decided to issue a call for participation. Three active and well-maintained Java projects will be there. David Gilbert will present a session on JFreeChart, Maxim Zakharenkov will present a session on SwingExplorer, and Alex Potochkin will present a session on JXLayer.