Swing links of the week: September 21, 2008
September 22nd, 2008
Here are some Swing links that you might have missed during the last week:
- David Goodenough has a post on using reflection to expose class fields to the BeansBinding APIs without using field names.
- Geertjan Wielenga continues his explorations of Griffon and its integration with MigLayout library.
- David Qiao has announced release 2.1 of JIDE Desktop Application Framework. Among the many new features in this release are tighter integration of docking support, event API, global selection mechanism and unified toolbar support on Leopard.
- Harald Kuhr and Yngvar Sorensen have presented a JavaZone session on AppFramework library. The PDF slides are available.
- Ayman Al-Sairafi has announced release 0.9.0 of JSyntaxPane component. This release includes preliminary Java code completion.
- Mikael Grev (the developer behind MigCalendar and MigLayout projects) started blogging! He kicks off his blog with a series on creating a multi-media player in Java. The first two entries (entry 1, entry 2) are yet to show the code, focusing instead on the process of sketching and refining the mockups and the user flows.
- And finally, David Gilbert has announced release 1.0.11 of the JFreeChart library that brings first support for chart theming.