Flamingo 3.0 official release

February 19th, 2008

It gives me great pleasure to announce the official release for version 3.0 of Flamingo component suite (code-named Deirdre). The goal of this project is to provide a small and cohesive set of powerful UI components that allow creating modern applications that provide visual functionality similar to or superseding that of Vista Explorer and Office 2007. The components provide consistent visuals under the existing core and third-party look-and-feels, respect the DPI settings of the user desktop and follow the core Swing guidelines in the external APIs and the internal implementation details.The component suite includes:

The project is licensed under BSD license and requires JDK 6.0. You can see the demo applications here. The binary and source bits are available here. A few screenshots of some of the Flamingo components:

File-selector breadcrumb bar and file viewer panel with medium command buttons:

Ribbon under Windows XP look-and-feel with resizable SVG-based icons:

Ribbon under Synthetica Mauve Metallic look-and-feel:

SVN-selector breadcrumb bar and file viewer with tile command buttons and SVG based icons:

Command button with a command button panel embedded in a popup panel: