Swing links of the week: December 9, 2007
December 9th, 2007
Here are some Swing links that you might have missed during this week:
- Jasper Potts posted an update on the Nimbus development progress. The screenshot shows the support for the different component sizes (using the same client properties as the latest Aqua drop). As the comments point out, there are quite a few visual inconsistencies which will be hopefully addressed (small and mini scroll bars, inconsistent scaling of arrow icons across different controls, small and mini indeterminate progress bars and text field shadows are among these).
- The latest drop of Dolphin addresses bug 6438179, providing correct implementation of tray service availability on Unix platforms. Backport to Update N highly desired.
- Danno Ferrin kicks off the slew of Groovy-related items with his overview of new Swing features in Groovy 1.5.
- Andres Almiray is back with a few postings of his own. Starting with CSS support in Swing / Groovy applications, he provides a little more information (and a screenshot) on GraphicsPad, and finishes off with updates on builders for WingS and Jide.
- Geertjan Wielenga blogs about integrating a YouTube player inside NetBeans IDE. A sad tribute to the lack of open-source video playback components in Java (he is using the commercial WebRenderer library). This is still on top of my wishlist for 2008, and is still foolish to hope for.