Swing links of the week: November 18, 2007

November 19th, 2007

Here are some Swing links that you might have missed during this week:

  • Landon Fuller continues working on Mustang port to Mac OS X. It’s been more than three weeks since Leopard has been released, and since Eric’s timeline doesn’t seem to hold (and Apple used some very questionable wording in the Tiger’s update for JDK 5.0 and 1.4.2), it looks like a promising development. What’s even more interesting is the fact that Landon has shown a Swing-based game running on FreeBSD’s port :)
  • Tim Dalton shows how to harness Swing to build user interfaces in Scala. Combine this with the similar work in Grrovy from Andres and a bug recently opened on Substance that shows Swing being used in Jython UIs, and you might think that Swing is becoming to cross-platform UIs as what JVM is becoming to cross-platform languages. A solid base to use instead of reinventing the wheel.
  • David Gilbert has announced release 1.0.7 of his JFreeChart library.
  • Davide Raccagni has announced release 3.0 of his A03 look-and-feel.
  • Not necessarily a strictly Swing link – kind folks from EasyRGB.com have put together a list of color conversion algorithms between a sizeable collection of color formats.