Substance 4.1 official release

November 12th, 2007

It gives me great pleasure to announce the official release for version 4.1 of Substance look-and-feel (code-named Lima). The list of new features includes:

Applications that use or implement custom border painters and title painters should consult the instructions in the migration guide.

In addition to the core release, the following Substance plugins and modules have been updated as well:

The documentation has been updated with the latest visuals and APIs. In addition, there are new tutorials on Substance painters and skinning of custom components.
Special thanks for bug reporting and testing go to Mikael Grev, Vincent Trussart, Kamil Paral, Klaus Rheinwald and Jean-Francois Poilpret.

A few screenshots of the new functionality in Substance 4.1:

The inner border painters and tab pane content borders in the Raven Graphite Glass skin:

The new Creme Coffee skin:

Full support for desktop resolution settings:

Automatic font policy for Gnome desktops: